Council to consider rezone ordinances

Several ordinances rezoning land are on the agenda for the February City Council meeting. The agenda includes several items recommended by members of the Planning Commission including a final plat and amending the zoning code.

Agenda items include:

Police officers recognized for saving lives;

Ord. 825 Rezone Dryden property, Patton Street, from R1 to R3;

Ord. 830 Rezone Perrin property, Weston Street, from R1 to R3;

Res. 523 rules of order and procedure for City Council;

Ord. 835 Amend Code Section 14.04, re-application;

Ord. 836 an ordinance amending waiving competitive bidding, bucket truck for Street Department;

Asset dedication south of Peck Road;

Permanent easement and right of way grant, The Pea Ridge Commons;

Ord. 837 Amend policy manual of Pea Ridge Police Department;

Ord. 838 ordinance governing extension of water and sewer facilities;

Ord. 839 ordinance approving final plat of Yorktown Phase I subdivision;

Ord. 840 ordinance amending 14.04 zoning, manufactured homes; and

State of the City address, Mayor Nathan See.

The Council meeting is set for 6 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2024, in the court room at City Hall. It is open to the public.