OPINION: Sen. Bledsoe says farewell and thanks

Dear friends and neighbors,

This was my last Capitol Report for the Pea Ridge TIMES as your state senator and I wanted you to know how honored I have been to represent eastern Benton County in the Arkansas Legislature for 20 years.

I have met many wonderful people who have enriched my life and made me so grateful for this privilege.

We have accomplished many positive things as we have worked together, through the grace of God and prayer, and these memories will always be with me.

May God bless you as I have been blessed through these years.


Editor's note: Arkansas Sen. Cecile Bledsoe represented the third district. From Rogers, Sen. Bledsoe was chair of the Senate Health Committee. She ranked first in seniority in the Senate. She served the residents of Arkansas first from 1998 in the House of Representatives for six years and then in the Senate from January 2009.