Schools achieve high marks

Scoring in the top 10 and 20 percent of schools in the state, Pea Ridge schools will receive money from the Arkansas School Recognition and Reward Program.

"Our schools are doing rather well. I'm proud of them. It's a whole team effort," Rick Neal, school superintendent said. "We have a good administration, good teachers."

Pea Ridge Middle School, in the top 10 percent, will receive $35,904.47; Pea Ridge Intermediate and Primary schools both scored in the top 20 percent and will receive $20,724.29 and $15,780.13 respectively.

Pea Ridge has a graduation rate of 91.4 percent for 2011-2012 compared to 89.5 percent in 2010-2011.

Performance on Benchmark scores continues to rise, Neal said.

Benchmark scores for Pea Ridge were 89 in math and 86 in literacy for for 2012-2013 compared to 80 in math and 74 in literacy for 2007-2008.

Neal said a three-member committee in each building will determine how to use the funds. He said Pea Ridge received similar funds about four years ago.

"The Arkansas School Recognition and Reward Program provides financial awards to public schools that experience high student performance, student academic growth, and for secondary schools, high graduation rate. The Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) is pleased to announce funds have been made available for this recognition program," according to a memo from Oliver Dillingham, program manager.

Prior to receipt of allocated funds, according to Dillingham, each school meeting criteria to receive performance-based funding shall submit to the ADE a proposal for its spending of the performance-based funding.

Funds must be used for: nonrecurring bonuses to the faculty and staff; nonrecurring expenditures for educational equipment or materials to assist in maintaining and improving student performance; or temporary personnel for the school to assist in maintaining and improving student performance. A committee made up of the principal, a teacher elected by the faculty, and a parent representative selected by the local Parent Teacher Association or some other local parental involvement group shall determine how the funds will be used.

General News on 01/15/2014